1 of 2 baby eagles hatch in nest above DC police academy

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Monday, March 19, 2018
1 of 2 baby eagles hatch in nest above DC police academy
The first of bald eagles Liberty and Justice's two eggs hatched on St. Patrick's Day in their nest above the DC police academy in Southwest Washington, DC.

WASHINGTON (KGO) -- The first of bald eagles Liberty and Justice's two eggs hatched on St. Patrick's Day in their nest above the DC police academy. And now, the world watches closely anticipating the arrival of the second eaglet.

Mom and dad are taking turns waiting for their next eaglet to start pecking through the egg.

RELATED: Two bald eagles born in Channel Islands National Park

Their nest is located 110 feet up an oak tree at the Metropolitan Police Academy in Southwest Washington, DC.

This will be the second eaglet to hatch in recent days.

The Earth Conservation Corps is running a live camera from the eagle nest.

"Liberty, the female, has primary responsibility for incubating her eggs and caring for the young. Justice, the male, has the crucial job of catching fish and bringing them for his mate and hatchlings," said Earth Conservation Corps in a statement on its website.

A naming contest is forthcoming, but details about it have not been announced at this time.

Click here to keep a close eye on the nest from the Earth Conservation Corps camera.

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