Giuliani shifts focus to economy

Rudy Giuliani hit the campaign trail promoting his tax cut plan, which includes cuts in everything from capital gains to the death tax. He says it's the most aggressive of anyone running for President.

"The very best things we could do is a major stimulus package that would lower taxes. And lower taxes dramatically," Says Giuliani.

To help spread the word, the Giuliani campaign has deployed high profile Republicans like former California Governor Pete Wilson, who was in Oakland on Monday.

"He's offered a tax cut program that is downright Reaganesque. He wants those of you who have earned the money to keep more of it," says Wilson.

Giuliani's noticeable shift away from national security comes as more Americans rate the economy as the most pressing issue of the day.

That's why the other GOP candidates have been touting their plans too, most of which include some degree of tax cuts, although McCain is emphasizing the need to reduce pork-barrel spending.

McCain stands out for his focus on bringing the federal budget into balance at precisely this point in time where others are talking about an economc stimulus plan that might increase the deficit.

But Mitt Romney says the last thing the country needs is a Washington insider who's has repeatedly voted against tax cuts.

"I think it's critical to have somebody who leads the country to understand how the economy works, who has actually had a job in the private sector," says Romney.

The dialogue over the economy will no doubt heat up as the candidates gear up for the Florida primary on January 29th, which is the next contest for the GOP.

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