Information from Sloat Garden Center
Water conservation in California is a way of life. Planning for future drought when planning our landscapes is practical and sustainable. A drought- tolerant landscape does not have to be dull or arid looking. There are many plants that offer interest with flowers, fruits and colorful foliage. Plants adapted to a Mediterranean Climate whether they be Australian, South African, European or native can combine to create a successful whole. Here is a partial list to help you get started. All will do well with little to moderate water. Moderate here means less than average. Plants of a highly flammable nature such as Juniper, Pine and Eucalyptus, and Rosemary, though drought tolerant, have been omitted.
- Aesculus sp. (Buckeye)
- Albizia julibrissin (Mimosa)
- Almond
- Arbutus 'Marina' (Strawberry Tree)
- Cedrus deodora (California Christmas Tree)
- Ceratonia siliqua (Carob)
- Chitalpa tashkentensis (Desert Willow)
- Cinnimomum camphora (Camphor)
- Ficus carica (Fig)
- Gingko biloba (Maidenhair Tree)
- Jacaranda mimosifolia
- Lagerstroemia indica (Crape Myrtle)
- Melaleuca quinqueveria (Paperbark)
- Metrosideros (New Zealnd Christmas Tree)
- Olea europa (Olive)
- Pistacia chinensis (Chinese Pistache)
- Quercus sp. (Oak)
- Robinia sp. (Locust)
- Schinus molle (California Pepper)
- Umbellaria californica (Pacific Bay)
- Acacia latifolia and redolens
- Adenanthos sp (Woolybush)
- Alyogyne huegllei
- Arbutus unedo (Strawberry Tree)
- Arctostaphyllos sp. (Manzanita)
- Astartea
- Banksia sp.
- Buddleja sp. (Butterfly Bush)
- Buxus sp. (Boxwood)
- Callistemon sp. (Bottlebrush)
- Capparis spinosa (Caper)
- Carpentaria californica
- Caryopteris sp.
- Ceanothus sp (California Lilac)
- Chamelaucium sp. (Waxflower)
- Cistus sp. (Rockrose)
- Coprosma sp. (Mirror Plant)
- Corokia
- Correa sp. (Australian Fuchsia)
- Cotinus coggygria (Smoke Bush)
- Cotoneaster sp.
- Dendromecon harfordii (Island Bush Poppy)
- Dodonaea viscose (Hopseed)
- Eleagnus sp. (Silverberry)
- Eremophila (Emu Bush)
- Eriogonum sp. (Buckwheat)
- Euryops pectinatus
- Fallugia (Apache Plume)
- Feijoa sellowiana (Pineapple Guava)
- Fremontodendron (Flannel Bush)
- Grevillea sp.
- Hakea suaveolens
- Halimiocistus
- Halimium sp (Rockrose relative)
- Heteromeles arbutifolia (Toyon)
- Isopogon
- Kerria sp.
- Kunzea sp.
- Laurus nobilis (Sweet Bay)
- Lavandula sp. (Lavender)
- Leonothus leonaurus (Lion Tail)
- Ligustrum ovalifolium (California Privet)
- Luma apiculata (Chilean Guava)
- Melaleuca sp. (Paperbark)
- Melianthus major (Honeybush)
- Myoporum sp.
- Myrsine africana (African Box)
- Myrtus communnis (Myrtle)
- Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)
- Nerium oleander (Oleander)
- Osmanthus sp. (Sweet Olive) .
- Pittosporum sp
- Plumbago sp.
- Plumeria
- Protea
- Prunus laurocerasus (English Laurel)
- Pyracantha sp (Firethorn)
- Raphiolepis sp. (Hawthorne)
- Rhamnus alaternus (Italian Buckthorn
- Rhus integrifolia (Lemonade Berry)
- Ribes sanguineum (Current)
- Symphoricarpus (Snowberry)
- Teucrium sp. (Germander)
- Xylosma congestum
- Agapanthus (Lily of the Nile)
- Allysum saxatile (Basket of Gold)
- Aloysia triphylla (Lemon Verbena)
- Anacyclus (Atlas Daisy)
- Anagallis
- Armeria sp. (Sea Thrift)
- Artemesia sp.
- Asteriscus sp. (Gold Coin)
- Ballota sp.
- Bulbine
- Cactus and succulents
- Carex sp.
- Centranthus rubber (Jupiters Beard)
- Dasylirion
- Dietes sp. (Fortnight Lily)
- Dudleya
- Echium sp. (Pride of Madiera)
- Erigeron sp (Fleabane)
- Eryngium sp. (Sea Holly)
- Festuca sp.
- Gailardia sp (Blanket Flower)
- Gypsophila sp. (Baby Breath)
- Gaura lindheimeri
- Helianthemum (Rockrose)
- Hemerocallis (Daylily)
- Helichrysum sp. (Licorice plant)
- Hesperaloe parvifolia
- Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker)
- Lantana sp.
- Limonium sp. (Sea Lavender)
- Lychnis sp.
- Malvastrum
- Nassella sp (Needle grass)
- Oenothera (Evening Primrose)
- Origanum sp. (Oregano)
- Penstemon sp. (Beard Tongue)
- Perovskia (Russian Sage)
- Phormium (Flax)
- Phygelius rectus (Cape Fuchsia)
- Romneya coulteri (Fried Egg Plant)
- Echinops (Globe Thistle)
- Sedum sp
- Senecio (Dusty Miller)
- Solidago (Goldenrod)
- Stachys byzantina (Lambs Ears)
- Trichostema (Wooly Blue Curls)
- Bougainvillea
- Campsis radicans (OrangeTrumpet Vine)
- Hardenbergia violacea (Lavender Pea Vine)
- Lonicera sp. (Honeysuckle)
- Wisteria
These plants will usually not be disturbed, but please note that there are no deer proof plants. Deer vary from location to location and herd to herd. Very hungry deer and fawns may cause damage to any of these plants. Juvenile foliage, flowers and newly planted landscapes are most at risk. It is advisable to treat new plantings (even deer resistant plants) with a repellant such as Liquid Fence according to the directions.
- Achillea 'Coronation Gold' and 'Moonshine'
- Aconitum- Monkshood
- Agastache- Hyssop
- Amaryllis belladonna- Naked Lady
- Anemone hybrida- Japanese Anemone
- Argyranthemum- Marguerite Daisy
- Armeria maritime- Sea Thrift
- Artemesia spp.
- Astilbe sp.- Meadow Sweet
- Cacti and Succulents
- Ceratostigma plumbaginoides- Leadwort
- Chrysanthemum superbum- Shasta Daisy
- Daffodils and Narcissus
- Dicentra sp.- Bleeding Heart
- Digitalis sp.- Foxglove
- Echinacea sp.- Cone Flower
- Erigeron sp.
- Erysimum sp.- Wallflower
- Euphorbia sp.- Spurge
- Euryops pectinatus- Winter Daisy
- Ferns-most
- Gaillardia sp.- Blanket Flower
- Grasses- most
- Helleborus sp.- Christmas Rose
- Herbs-most except Basil
- Iris- most
- Kniphofia uvaria- Red Hot Poker
- Lantana sp.- may eat the flowers
- Lamium maculatum- Dead Nettle
- Lavandula sp.- Lavender
- Liriope sp.- Lily Turf
- Lychnis coronaria
- Nepeta sp.- Catmint
- Omphalodes cappadocica- Navelwort
- Ophiopogon sp.- Mondo Grass
- Origanum sp.- Oregano
- Osteospermum hybrids
- Perovskia- Russian Sage
- Phlomis sp.- Jerusalem Sage
- Phygelius sp.- Cape Fuchsia
- Romneya coulteri- Matilija Poppy
- Rosmarinus- Rosemary
- Rudbeckia sp.- Black Eyed Susan Zauschneria- CA Fuchsia
- Salvia-most (Sage)
- Santolina sp.
- Senecio cineraria- Dusty Miller
- Stachys byzantina- Lamb's Ears
- Tagetes lemmonii- Mexican Bush Marigold
- Tanacetum- Feverfew
- Thymus sp.- Thyme
- Tulbaghia violacea- Society Garlic
- Verbena sp.- may eat flowers
- Zantedeschia- Calla Lily
- Adenanthos Drummondi-Wooly Bush
- Azalea Southern indica-can be "tipped"
- Baccharis pilularis- Coyote Bush
- Berberis sp.- Barberry
- Buxus sp. - Boxwood
- Callistemon sp.- Bottlebrush
- Calluna- Scotch Heather
- Choisya ternate- Mexican Orange
- Clivia miniata
- Coleonema pulchrum- Braeth of Heaven
- Conifers- most
- Cordyline
- Correa pulchella- new growth eaten
- Daphne odora
- Dietes sp.- Fortnight Lily
- Echium - Pride of Madeira
- Eleagnus sp.- Silverberry
- Erica sp.- Heath and Heather
- Fremontodendron- Flannel Bush
- Grevillea sp.
- Hakea suaveolens
- Ilex sp.- Holly
- Laurus nobilis- Sweet Bay
- Leonothus- Lion Tail
- Leptospermum- Tae Tree
- Mahonia sp.- Oregon Grape
- Michelia figo- Banana Shrub
- Myoporum laetum
- Myrtus communis- Myrtle
- Nerium oleander- Oleander
- Olea europa- Olive
- Ozothamnus
- Pieris- Lily of the Valley Shrub
- Podocarpus- Yew Pine
- Prunus laurocerasus- English Laurel
- Rhododendron
- Rubus pentalobus (R. calycinoides)
- Sarcococca
- Strelitzia- Bird of Paradise
- Syzygium - Brush Cherry
- Westringia sp
- Yucca
- Begonia (fibrous or waxleaf)
- Chrysanthemum paludosum
- Cleome- Spider Flower
- Lobularia maritime- Sweet Alyssum
- Mirabilis- Four O Clock
- Myosotis- Forget Me Not
- Nicotiana
- Vinca rosea (Catharanthes)
- Zinnia
- Agonis flexuosa- Peppermint Tree
- Cedrus- Cedar
- Eucalyptus spp.
- Grevillea robusta- Silk Oak
- Koelreutia
- Lagerstroemia- Crape Myrtle
- Magnolia spp.
- Melaleuca spp.
- Pinus- Pine
- Pistacia chinensis- Chinese Pistache
- Quercus- Oak, protect when young
- Clematis armandii
- Clematis hybrids
- Ficus pumila- Creeping Fig
- Gelsemium sempervirens
- Hardenbergia
- Jasminum polyanthemum
- Solanum jasminoides- Potato Vine
- Wisteria
- Ajuga- Carpet Bugle
- Cerastium tomentosum
- Chamaemelum nobile- Chamomile
- Galium odoratum- Sweet Woodruff
- Gazania
- Hypericum-St. Johns
- Ice Plants
- Laurentia fluvitilis- Blue Star Creeper
- Mentha spp.- Creeping Mints
- Myoporum parvifolium
- Osteospermum fruticosum
- Polygonum- Knotweed
- Potentilla neumanniana- Cinquefoil
- Rosmarinus- Rosemary
- Soleirolia soleirolii- Baby Tears
- Thymus sp.- Thyme
- Vinca sp.-Periwinkle
Sloat Garden Center
700 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. in Kentfield