The 7-minute film, which will also be played on Peninsula TV, aims to inform residents and visitors of county programs and services and recruit potential candidates for county jobs, public communications manager Marshall Wilson said.
The video opens with images of surfers, wildlife, bikers and an airplane and features County Manager John Maltbie describing the Board of Supervisors, the county's budgeting system and the people and organizations within county lines, Wilson said.
Copies of the video were given to supervisors and department heads this week, and departments can now choose to shoot short segments about their work to add to the base film, according to Wilson.
The video, produced with South San Francisco-based KM2 Communications, came about through a communication task force authorized by the supervisors to look at ways to communicate with residents and prospective employees, Wilson said.
The first video, listed under "About San Mateo County" on, and a second video about adolescents in the county will cost $24,000 collectively, Wilson said.
The first video is available online at or and on Peninsula TV, Channel 26.