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Tests on a fourth student, who reported feeling ill after a vacation in Mexico, came back negative Monday night. The news comes as California officials ramp up their efforts to stop the spread of the flu.
The State Health Department's Emergency Operations Center in Sacramento has been activated, and California's allotment of the anti-viral Tamiflu from a federal stockpile is on its way to be distributed to warehouses around the state.
"This is not something you give to everybody. But really, you need to be judicious in using it to prevent complications, to make sure that people have a milder disease," said Dr. Chavez.
State superintendent Jack O'Connell told ABC7, no special measures will be taken in California public schools beyond basic hygiene.
"We have sample letters that I'm encouraging schools and principals to take advantage of, keeping parents informed about how to help us keep our environments clean and safe," said O'Connell.
A parishioner at the church next door is taking her own precautions.
"I have my sanitizer in my purse and I'm going to be using it. And we pray for the families that are effected at our school here and nationwide," said St. Mel parishioner Michele Virgen.
A school official at St. Mel said the school will be closed through the end of the week. They spent the whole day going through the classrooms with disinfectants to make sure that when the kids come back next week everything will be clean.
They also told ABC7 the cases of flu-like symptoms at the school are mild and so far no one has been hospitalized.
According to the state, two people in California have had to be hospitalized with the swine flu and we are told those people had chronic conditions and were already sick.
More Information:
Center for Disease Control
California Department of Public Health
World Health Organization
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