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With a $25 million budget deficit looming, cuts at San Francisco City College are a given.
"I'd say to close that $25 million, probably about $17 million is going to be in actual cutbacks, the rest we can make up with other sources of revenue, but $17 million is nearly 10 percent of our operating budget," Vice Chancellor of Finance Peter Goldstein said.
Wednesday, for the first time, the board's planning and budget committee learned how bad it is.
To balance the budget, there will be no new hires, the college will freeze the salaries for all district employees, some summer classes will be postponed and in the fall and spring the college will offer 800 fewer classes.
It also means a cut in enrollment.
"If this goes through and the college needs to respond the way the chancellor has proposed, 10,000 students will not be attending City College next year, which has a devastating impact on their lives and on the economy and the society in California," Board of Trustees President Milton Marks said.
Wednesday, the chancellor predicted things could get worse, if the governor cuts their budget even more.
"It's looking bleak; we're cutting away everything we can cut and within six months we'll to look at cutting bone," Chancellor Don Griffin said.
A preliminary budget is due in June, the final budget in September.
One in seven San Francisco residents attends City College.
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