AIDS Walk San Francisco
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sharon Meadow, Golden Gate Park
9 a.m. Registration
Tough times won't break our stride! Register TODAY at 415-615-WALK or go to
California has the second highest HIV/AIDS incidence rate in the United States after New York. More than one million people in the country are estimated to be living with HIV – a first since the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. Proceeds from AIDS Walk San Francisco help us move closer to ending the suffering caused by HIV/AIDS.
ABC7 is proud to support AIDS Walk San Francisco for the 22nd consecutive year.
AIDS Walk SF benefits the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and other HIV/AIDS organizations serving six Bay Area counties. Proceeds from the event also fund HIV/AIDS Community Grants, which will be distributed to more than 50 organizations providing valuable direct service to people living with HIV/AIDS.
Learn more about how HIV/AIDS is affecting our communities on "Beyond the Headlines."