Can lip gloss help you lose weight?

LOS ANGELES Eyewitness News asked three different women to try three different lip toppers to see if they could get thin while laying gloss on thick.

"I liked it. It was pretty good," said Ani Kazaryan, who tested the Fuze Slenderize Two Face Blend.

Fuze Slenderize Guilt Free Lip Gloss aims to boost energy and curb appetite with citrimax, L-carnitine and chromium, all things found in various weight-loss products on the market.

"It has Hoodia in it to make you lose weight," said gloss tester Linet Danelian.

Huge Lips Skinny Hips offers Hoodia as the key ingredient to end cravings, along with orange peel extract to halt hunger.

Thin Gloss claims their Hoodia and kola nut ingredients suppress appetite, while the aromatherapy of vanilla and peppermint scent will enhance emotions.

Supplement expert Ellen Coleman said she found the claims amusing.

"My favorite one was the lip gloss that claimed to enhance vibrational energies with aromatherapy," Coleman said.

Coleman says the marketing is magnificent, and the intention may be good, but these companies have glossed over the science.

There's little evidence they work no matter what ingredient they contain because they aren't absorbed into the blood stream.

You would have to ingest them to lose weight, and in far greater quantity than you'll get by licking your lips.

"The Federal Trade Commission, when it looks at its red flags for weight loss claims, one of the big red flags is claiming that you can buy an over-the-counter patch, stick it on your skin and experience weight loss. That's called transdermal application," Coleman said.

"It is used with some prescription drugs. However, in the dietary supplement industry, it has never been shown to be an effective way to deliver the ingredients."

None of our testers lost a lick of weight, but all liked the smell and consistency.

"I didn't eat because I didn't want it to come off," Kazaryan said.

You'll pay anywhere from $19 to $28 for the gloss our testers tried, and there are others on the market. The bottom line is in order for the science to work, you'd have to swallow them rather than swipe.

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