Kids Culinary Adventures Brushet-ta-dahs
Serves 4-6
Bruschetta (Brew ~Shet ~Tah) are delicious toasted pieces of bread topped with a variety of flavorful toppings! Kids Culinary Adventures calls their recipe: "Brushet-ta~dahs!" because you will feel like a superstar chef after you make them and then -- feel even better after you eat them! .
This recipe is a wacky copycat of a classic Italian favorite. It's made with California Style flair- toasted garlic bread with seasonal greens, chopped tomatoes, and other local ingredients. The ingredients are suggestions -- use leftover nutritious snacks or anything fresh in the fridge!
Ingredient suggestions for kids:
- 1/2 lb tomatoes-Romano or any bell shaped-diced and seeds removed (grown from your biosphere if possible)
- 1/2 C. extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- 1 clove garlic, minced super fine-or a few shakes of garlic salt
- 1 pinch red pepper flakes (optional)
- 6 fresh basil leaves torn by hand into small bits (grown from your biosphere if possible)
- 2 Tbsp. Chopped Italian parsley leaves (grown from your biosphere if possible)
- Garlic salt to taste
- Fresh ground pepper (optional)
- 2 large slices of crusty Italian bread, toasted per person
- Popped popcorn
- Goldfish crackers
- White corn
- Black beans
- Shredded carrots
- Shredded cheese
- Place diced tomatoes into a bowl with olive oil, garlic, pepper flakes, basil parsley and garlic salt. Mix well.
- Add optional Ingredients if desired like popcorn, gold fish, white corn, and black beans, whatever your favorite toppings are.
- Stir it all up together. Wave your hand over it and say, 'Whol-lah,' at least three times.
- Let sit for a few minutes so flavors can get to know each other.
- Slice bread about 1/2" thick and toast both sides.
- Remove from toaster and place on serving tray.
- Place an equal amount of your super California Nouvelle tomato mixture on each slice.
- Serve immediately.
Ask your adult helper to do this for you.
Fire up a grill at the local park or at home. Before toasting the bread, baste it lightly on both sides with olive oil. Lay on grill to toast each side -- carefully -- don't walk away, this will toast fast. After toasting, rub lightly on one side with a clove of garlic and place an equal amount of tomato mixture on each slice and serve hot. This adds a delicious smoky flavor to the dish!
You can also toast bread brushed with olive oil and garlic in the oven.
Activity to grow your grow herbs to support the recipe above:
Before you start eating it, you probably want to know what a biosphere is! A biosphere is an environment that can sustain life. Most of the planet is our biosphere. We'll show you how to create your own little world where plants, and even animals, can live! These mini-biospheres are called terrariums. At Kids Culinary Adventures we build a biosphere in a biodegradable egg shell first. Once the seed germinates and sprouts we plant it in a larger container like a terrarium or a pot to grow herbs on our porch or window sill. We cook from these herbs making delicious recipes like Brushet-ta~dahs, pizza and even fresh pasta sauces!
About Chef Natalie:
Chef Natalie is the Center Director at Kids Culinary Adventures; a professional cooking school for children and teens, located in Belmont Ca. Natalie is a high honors graduate from the California Culinary Academy's, Le Cordon Bleu Culinary program! Chef also attended Sonoma State University receiving her Bachelor's of Arts in American Multicultural Studies, with an emphasis in Education. A Native of Fort Bragg, California she grew up active in 4H activities. Chef's 4H, culinary,teaching,and multicultural backgrounds have prove to be the perfect recipe for director at Kids Culinary! More on Chef Natalie or classes at Kids Culinary Adventures, visit