Acupuncturist in custody after taping patients


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Tung Wei Pan, 34, is in jail, police had been unsure of his location. Pan allegedly videotaped between 15 and 20 patients in 2008 at his clinic, the EMAS Center in the 10,000 block of Bubb Road in Cupertino, according to Sung.

Detectives found 72 tapes, the subjects of which range in age from 15 to about 50 years old, and Pan's charges include possession and manufacture of child pornography.

Sung said only two victims have been positively identified, and the sheriff's office is trying to find the others. A warrant was issued for Pan's arrest on Aug. 26th.

The focus of the investigation is identifying the other victims and getting them any help they might need. The sheriff's office has a victim's advocate who can help the women and girls get psychological counseling or other information.

An investigation into Pan began several months ago, when a patient noticed a camcorder hidden between books and behind a shade on a shelf in a treatment room, Sung said. The woman then contacted authorities, who served Pan a search warrant and found the videos on computers and hard drives at his home in Cupertino.

A sheriff's detective spoke with Pan once on the phone, Sung said, but Pan was gone by the time the search warrant was served. Detectives have only been able to positively identify one other victim - the 15-year-old - from the tapes, and they are hoping Pan's other patients will come forward.

The videos show Pan turning on the camera, placing it on the bookshelf and telling his patients the room is ready for them, according to Sung. The patients then undress in the camera's line of sight, do a treatment reading that involves an apparatus similar to a tanning bed, and redress in front of the camera, Sung said.

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