Man attempts to lure students at school


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Police believe he's been spotted twice at Pleasant Hill Middle School in the last week. Most recently, the man was spotted near the Monte Gardens Elementary School in Concord and based on his actions, parents immediately notified the school district.

"The man was walking around with a video camera, taping the school, people and houses," said Mount Diablo School District Superintendent Dick Nicoll.

District officials and police believe he may be the same man who tried to lure a Pleasant Hill Middle School student to his vehicle on Wednesday and approached another student here, claiming that there was a new place for him to meet his mother.

Both boys walked away, no one injured, but there are lots of children in the same boat as Fabiana Flores.

Fabiana's mother, notified by phone and email like other parents in the district, says her children don't even want to go out of the house.

"It's scary. Things have been happening lately with kids and we don't want them to be hurt or go missing," said Fabiana's mother Jeanette Suzan.

Police are stepping up patrols, keeping an eye out for a man described as white, in his 50's with gray hair and a moustache.

He may be accompanied by a woman with dark skin and black hair last seen wearing blue hospital scrubs and a nose ring.

"Basically, we're here because we got a couple of reports of a suspicious person and we are just keeping out an eye for him and trying to alleviate some fears and increase security at this school," said Corporal Steve Guidi from Pleasant Hill Police.

For students, it's a chance to learn a life saving lesson, for teachers, a chance to teach it.

"Stay with your friends, and don't be kind of hanging around. Always be going to a certain place and being safe at all times and again, never, never, never go with anyone that you don't know," said Pleasant Hill Middle School Principal Jonathan Roselin.

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