Get fit with the Masala Bhangra workout

About Masala Bhangra:
Learn the Bollywood-style dance seen in the Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire. Masala means spicy and bhangra means dance, and this workout is sure to make you sweat. The non-stop easy-to-follow choreography provides a fun new way to burn some serious calories.


- Shoulder Shrugs: Arms are out like a "W". Move your shoulders up and down as if saying "I don't know". Basic: With arms out like a "W", and hands turning the light bulbs, step with right heel, then left heel and keep repeating. Shoulders are moving up and down as if saying "I don't know".

- Balle Balle Knees: Right knee comes up and then left knee comes up, travelling up four times and then travel back four times. Knees only come up 45 degree angle, skipping movement. Hands can sway side to side going up, and reaching out front coming back. Have fun with a little head bobble!

- Bhangra Groove: Legs are out a little wider than shoulder width apart. Right shoulder is leading the entire body to move in any direction. Use the pelvic muscles to move up as you slightly hop forward and pop the right shoulder forward at the same time. Stay in wide low stance and repeat.

- Bhangra Circle: Begin upright and facing forward. Stomp with right leg to left corner, then step again with right leg, then left, then right while still facing front, towards right corner. Then stomp with left foot and step again with left foot, then right, then left back towards left corner, repeat. Arms: Clap hands together on the corner stomp. Then Arms do basic move. Optional: To take the steps after each stomp and turn slowly toward each corner.

- Power Bhangra: With legs shoulder width apart, hop forward in parallel with hands swinging in same direction as legs. Two hops towards left corner, then repeat two hops towards right corner. Then repeat with arms high, flip wrists back and forth as if you have hankerchiefs tied around your index fingers and they are going back and forth.

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