Turning trash into stylish treasures

Ideas featured in the segment:

  • Salvage yards and thrift stores are the perfect places to find inspiration for design projects.

  • Don't focus on the color or the purpose of the items you find. Those can be easily changed.
  • An old table is easily converted into a plant stand by removing the glass top.

  • Glass saucers and champagne glasses make whimsical candy dishes for a holiday buffet.

  • Combine items. For example, Zachary attached an egg beater and two drawer pulls to an old cabinet door to make an unexpected mail center.

  • Lamps are especially fun to redo. Most vintage lamps have cool shapes, it's just the color and the lampshades that make them seem dated. Paint the lamp and buy a more modern lampshade to create one of a kind lighting looks for your home.

  • Vintage ashtrays have a retro-kitchy feel, but no one smokes anymore. Use them for a landing for keys or mail at the front door.

About Zachary Bilemdjian:

Zachary Bilemdjian is the co-founder of 3 De Studios, a consulting partnership specializing in design and styling.

He graduated from Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles California with an Associates of Arts degree in Visual Presentation and Space Design and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theater with an emphasis in Costume and Scenic Design from Occidental College.

He has work for Walt Disney Imagineering, Hong Kong Disneyland and The Disney Channel.

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