Recession spawns new breed of entrepreneurs

Audio speaker company co-owner Jason Lucash is the creator of the Rock-It. It turns just about anything into a speaker.

"So then you can put it on stuff like cardboard boxes, they work very well," he says.

Lucash started the company in the middle of the recession.

"When I was launching I was working 20 hours a day, non-stop," he says. "I had a full-time job. I was working at Jansport, the backpack company, marketing and PR, and I wanted to launch OrigAudio but I didn't want to leave my full-time job."

Then he did quit the day job and now he is out on his own, even appearing on QVC..

"All I wanted to do was start my own business and create a product that people would actually like and enjoy," says Lucash.

"Any time is a good time to start a business if you are ready," says career consultant Nancy Andersen. "It is not the outside world that counts, it is what is going on inside of you."

Andersen says for entrepreneurs the outside economy is a factor, but not the deciding one.

"They value independence a lot more than the average person. So that's true with your 26-year-old," she says. "Those signs of independence showed up very early in his life."

"My first business, I started a candy stand," says Lucash. "I would buy candy from Longs or Safeway, mark it up, and sell it to my friends when I was 8 or 9 years old."

"Entrepreneurs give off signals very early, that they are that. You can tell. They usually they really like control. They love to make decisions. They like to be the one that's saying, 'I want to do this and I want to do that.' They don't like to be bossed around."

Sound like you? Andersen says some are ready to start their own businesses when they are 26, like Lucash, but others are not ready until their 40s, 50s, or 60s. But she says if it is really in their souls, they will eventually get to it.

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