Judge orders temp closure of Club Suede


City Attorney Dennis Herrera filed suit in April against the owners of Club Suede, located at 383 Bay St., seeking to shutter it permanently.

Herrera cited not only a Feb. 7 shooting outside the club that left a 19-year-old Richmond man, Lawon Hall, dead and three others injured, but also prior acts of violence, vandalism, noise and security problems in recent years.

The club agreed to close voluntarily after the February killing, but Judge Peter Busch today granted Herrera's motion ordering the club not to reopen until the lawsuit is resolved.

"San Francisco treasures its vibrant nightlife and the vast majority of entertainment venues that operate responsibly," Herrera said in a statement today.

"Unfortunately, Club Suede's refusal to abide by the law has created a dangerous environment for club-goers and neighbors alike," he said.

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