New tutoring center opens in Oakland


College Track, an Oakland-based nonprofit that has operated since 1997, helps disadvantaged high school students attend a California State University or University of California school.

The program's new center, located at 117 Broadway, will be unveiled at 5 p.m. today. The nonprofit says it can now tutor as many as 200 students, up from its former capacity of 175.

"We outgrew our old center," College Track spokeswoman Julienne Oyler said.

The old center, at 14th Street and Broadway, was 7,000 square feet and the new one is 8,500, Oyler said.

She said the larger center also means the organization can accommodate a greater number of volunteer tutors.

"We have many more volunteer opportunities to get involved with our students," she said.

Students participating in College Track are given help with their schoolwork and information about university financial aid and admissions processes.

The aim is for 100 percent of students to qualify at California State University schools, and 70 percent to qualify at University of California schools.

"For those students who are first in their families to go to college, they don't always have the know-how to navigate the application process," Oyler said.

Tonight's event will feature speakers including a College Track alumnus who is now a sophomore at University of California at Berkeley, and a dean at the university.

College Track also has centers in East Palo Alto, San Francisco and New Orleans.

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