Allred: Whitman's husband saw ex-maid letter


With her husband standing beside her, Whitman said again she had no reason to believe her former housekeeper was in the country illegally.

"When she confessed to us that she had falsified her employment documents way back in 2000, we were surprised and shocked," Whitman said.

Whitman supplied copies of her former housekeeper's Social Security card, driver's license and the application with the employment agency and W-4 form declaring her legal status under penalty of perjury.

Whitman also denied the allegation that she had received a letter from the Social Security Administration notifying her the housekeeper's name and Social Security number did not match and asking for clarification.

She has offered to take a polygraph test to prove she is telling the truth.

"Neither my husband or I received a letter from the Social Security Administration," she said.

Whitman suggested if a letter was sent, maybe the housekeeper intercepted it.

"I mean I have no other explanation for it, but Nicky did bring in our mail and sort the mail," Whitman said.

An hour later Allred fired back with a supersized copy of the government form sent to Whitman and her husband, Dr. Griffith Harsh. At the bottom, a handwritten note saying, "Nicky please check this. Thanks."

"Meg Whitman is exposed as a liar and a hypocrite," Allred said.

Allred says the handwriting on the note belongs to Whitman's husband.

Thursday afternoon, Harsh issued a statement saying, "It is possible that I would've scratched a follow up note on a letter like this, which is a request for information to make certain Nicky received her Social Security benefits."

Allred says the letter is evidence that Whitman looked the other way when confronted with the suggestion that her housekeeper might be in the country illegally.

Whitman Thursday reiterated she did the right thing by firing the housekeeper the day she confessed to being undocumented and that this is nothing more than a political ploy.

"Here we are 30 days out from an election in a classic case of smear politics," Whitman said.

Whitman points to 2003 when Allred called a press conference the day before the recall election to introduce a movie stuntwoman who claimed she had been groped by then Republican gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Thursday, a spokesperson for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown admitted that he told reporters two weeks ago that they should ask Whitman about hiring an illegal immigrant.

The campaign spokesperson said he was just passing along rumors and declined to identify his source.

Whitman also points to a Spanish language television ad that began to air Thursday. The ad, sponsored by the teachers union, includes the latest information on the Whitman housekeeper controversy.

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