The 29-year-old victim was walking to his car, parked in the 2200 block of 23rd Street, when the robbery occurred at about 11:30 p.m., according to police.
The victim told officers that a baby-blue 2000s-model Toyota Avalon pulled up next to him. A man in his 20s carrying a silver machine gun got out of the car and told the victim to hand over his wallet, keys and phone "Or I will pop you," police spokesman Sgt. Troy Dangerfield said.
"Based on (the victim's) experience with firearms, he believed it to be a TEC-9 machine gun," Dangerfield said.
Dangerfield said the victim dropped the items on the sidewalk and fled into a nearby liquor store. The suspect took the items and fled with two other men in the car in an unknown direction.
The victim's car was not taken, Dangerfield said.