The county's first-ever "Vote and Vax" event was carried out at two polling places today, allowing residents to both vote and get a flu vaccine.
"'Vote and Vax' combines two of our goals: to encourage people to get out and vote, and to protect their health with a flu vaccine," Supervisor Liz Kniss said.
The Stanford University School of Medicine headed up the effort to connect the county to the program, a national project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and SPARC, or Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Collaboration.
On Election Day in 2008, the program delivered 21,434 flu shots to 331 polling places in 42 states and the District of Columbia.
Flu vaccines were offered from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 2020 E. San Antonio St. in San Jose, and the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple at 2751 Louis Road in Palo Alto.
County residents did not need to vote to receive a shot, which cost $15 or less.