Clerk of the Board Angela Cavillo has devised a procedure for nominating and appointing a successor. Her suggestions include sequestering all the nominees, requiring their laptops be closed, cell phones turned off and no written or verbal messages to members of the board during the critical meeting.
Supervisor Chris Daly calls the clerk's proposal cumbersome and flawed.
"You potentially could have five members of the board of supervisors sequestered and unable to participate. Under what I've, proposed 10 members of the board would be there to make the decision," he said.
His proposal would have the nominees sequestered one by one, while their fate is debated. It will take six votes of the board to okay someone to fill out the remainder of Newsom's turn.
Three time mayoral candidate Angela Alioto has been mentioned.
"Obviously, I wanted to be mayor at some point in my life," said
She's not sure of her ambitions now, but believes the stakes are high in this rare appointment process.
"Being mayor matters, it matters. It's not something you just do. Let's nominate someone because we've got some time, you don't do that. You take your time and do it in a serious manner," she said.
Political analyst David Latterman says the public is just beginning to grasp the issue.
"Some people think just the board president assumes it and keeps it until the next election. Not as many people understand that a bunch of people get in a smoke filled room and choose the next mayor, regardless of any public input whatsoever," he said.
The public is now beginning to weigh in, hoping to have a say before Newsom leaves the mayor's office in January.