Kronenberg named to head of Emergency Management


Kronenberg, currently deputy director of health and director of policy and planning at the Health Department, will take over as executive director of the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management and as executive secretary to the city's Disaster Council on Jan. 3.

She will oversee the city's emergency communications center and emergency services division, which coordinates the response of city agencies to major earthquakes and other disasters. The department houses the city's 911 call center.

Newsom said in a statement that Kronenberg had helped reform the city's emergency medical response services and led the city's response to the H1N1 flu pandemic.

"Her understanding of the city's disaster response planning and strong relationships with our Disaster Council and public safety chiefs will ensure San Francisco continues to make progress towards becoming the best prepared major city in California for a major earthquake or emergency," Newsom said.

Kronenberg previously served as director of the Mayor's Office of Emergency Services, as chief of staff to former Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, and as an aide to former Supervisor Harvey Milk, according to the mayor's office.

Her work as Milk's campaign manager and activism in the gay rights movement was portrayed in the Academy Award-winning film "Milk" in 2008.

Kronenberg succeeds Vicki Hennessey, who is retiring as head of the Department of Emergency Management after 35 years working for the city, the mayor's office said.

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