Compensation info for SJ employees posted online

SAN JOSE, Calif.

The compensation information, which can be accessed at, is from 2010, the latest year available, according to city officials.

Former police Chief Robert Davis had the highest total compensation - more than $534,000 in salary and benefits - for the year, according to the report.

City Manager Debra Figone - who made more than $276,000 in 2010 - said the release of the information is an example of San Jose's commitment to an open and transparent government.

"Residents want to know where their tax dollars are going," Figone said in a statement. "Posting this information online proactively is part of the city of San Jose's commitment to making information available so the public can easily access it at their convenience."

San Jose has about 5,900 full-time employees in 19 city departments.

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