Nneka tried not to influence her sister Chiney's choice of where she wanted to go to college. So Chinay made the logical choice.
"I viewed her as a possible teammate, only to be fair to the decision. But I also took into consideration having a sister there would be beneficial," said Chiney.
Once the decision was made, the big sister factor kicked in.
"She has a leg up on a few people because of me helping her and guiding her thru the freshman experience," said Nneka.
"I've got a 24-hour personal coach on and off the court," said Chiney.
There are advantages in communicating with a sibling on the court.
"The coaches call it twin speak. There's a different language going on that people don't really understand," said Chiney.
Even though they are not twins, there have been some confusing moments.
"Early on in the year, yes and actually Chinay and I think they've been giving some of my stats to her," said Nneka.
Chiney agreed that might be true.
Nneka also helped Chiney learn to adjust to the college game and their head coach.
"Honestly, I had to warn Tara that she had a handful with Chiney," said Nneka.
"Chiney's just a little bit more of a free spirit, but their wonderful to work with. They've brought a great sisterhood to our team, I love coaching both of them," said Stanford head coach Tara VanDerveer.
Winning an NCAA title together would be as cool as being teammates.
"It's just real fun to share such special experiences with someone this close," said Nneka.
But when asked if Nneka wanted her sister as a roommate, she joked, "not yet."