Nancy Garrido's attorney says it was in the last month or so that the couple confessed and that during one of Nancy Garrido's sessions with detectives, Jaycee Dugard was there across the table listening.
"Everything they wanted to know, except they didn't produce any missing bodies, there's no other victims," Nancy Garrido's attorney Stephen Tapson said.
Tapson says his client and her husband have given a full confession. They have admitted they snatched Jaycee Dugard off the street in South Lake Tahoe when she was 11 years old and held her and her two children (fathered by Garrido) in their backyard near Antioch for 18 years.
The couple was arrested in 2009 and apparently hope the confession will lead to a plea deal.
"Being honest with them, frankly in the hopes of mercy on behalf of Mr. Garrido for Mrs. Garrido," Tapson said.
Tapson says prosecutors have proposed sentencing Phillip Garrido to 440 years and Nancy Garrdio to more than 241. He is appealing to the victim herself to speak up for Nancy.
"She was their mother, after the kids were born, she delivered the kids, she fed them, took them places, I mean they had that kind of relationship, which Jaycee has admitted, she was like a mother," Tapson said.
Tapson says while Nancy Garrido is guilty of kidnapping and other charges, she had nothing to do with the sexual abuse of Dugard. He is suggesting she be sentenced to 20-30 years in prison.
"She should be able to at least walk on the beach, probably with a walker, at some point before she dies," he said.
ABC7 legal analyst Dean Johnson says Dugard's opinion will make a difference to a judge.
"The Garridos have played the only card that they had to play, the only thing they can offer the district attorney and the victim is to save the expense and trauma of a trial," Johnson said.
Jaycee Dugard and her children remain in seclusion. The family received a $20 million settlement from California after the state was accused of failing to adequately supervise Phillip Garrido, a paroled rapist.