Fourth falcon egg hatches atop SJ City Hall

SAN JOSE, Calif.

The fourth and final egg hatched Wednesday night, two days after the first egg hatched, Glenn Stewart, coordinator of the University of California at Santa Cruz's Predatory Bird Research Group, said.

Stewart said Clara and her offspring are all doing well.

"They look great," he said. "Mom is brooding them all the time, so we don't see much of them. She gets off them long enough to feed them, so they're all eating. That's good."

Stewart will determine the genders of the new falcon chicks on April 28, when he climbs to the nest on a City Hall ledge 18 stories above the street to band the chicks. The banding procedure allows scientists to track them and collect data.

In the meantime, the city of San Jose is inviting youths ages 5 to 18 to come up with names for the birds. Participants in the naming contest can submit suggestions until April 22.

This is Clara's fifth nesting season at City Hall and her third with mate Esteban Colbert.

More information about the contest can be found online at Nominations can be submitted by email to or by mail to Falcon Naming c/o Mayor's Office, 200 E. Santa Clara St., 18th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113.

A panel of judges will select up to 10 finalists by April 29 based on the creativity of the names, the quality of accompanying essays or artwork, and how well the names reflect the falcons' habitat, lifestyle and the challenges they face on a daily basis.

The winning names will then be chosen through an online voting process and announced on May 6.

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