The president held a breakfast fundraiser this morning at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco that was interrupted by protesters. It reportedly cost $5,000 to have breakfast with the president, but supporters believe it was money well spent.
"The reason I decided to come is because I think things are hard for Democrats right now and Obama needs all the support he can get," said Obama supporter Nancy Watkins.
The fundraiser wasn't as supportive as the president might have hoped. A group of attendees stood up at their table and sang the president a song. No news cameras were allowed inside the breakfast, but the group sang their song for reporters after being escorted out of the event.
"I am against war and that's why I supported Obama in the first place," said protestor Naomi Pitcairn.
A group of protestors also gathered outside the hotel -- demanding that the president legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.
"I'm here to get what he promised us - medical marijuana as a patient and as a veteran. That's what I am here to get," said protestor Scott Christian.
Not everyone was here to make a statement. Many people stumbled upon the sidewalk and road closures and decided to work the president's visit into their day.
"I came for an appointment downtown and then when I saw all the police and blockades I said 'ohh my goodness President Obama might be going down this road.' So I'm going to stay here for awhile and catch a glimpse of him," said Susan Hatch.
"I'm actually running a seminar up at the Westin, but my participants were so excited about the president coming. So I let them out for an hour," said Billy Vaughn.
Obama raised about $800,000 at the event and then he headed to SFO.
This is the first leg of a three day West Coast trip for the president. He is now in Reno where he plans share his plan to reduce the deficit at a town hall meeting. Later this afternoon he will head to Los Angeles for three more fundraising events.
Democratic Party insiders said they are trying to beat what the president raised in 2008 - which was about $730 million. Some are speculating that they may reach $1 billion.