Putting Bailine body sculpting to the test

May 23, 2011

Liela Rushton is a single mother of two teenagers. She juggles both her family and a career and all the while tries to stay trim, but admits it can be a struggle.

"It was easier when I was younger," Rushton said.

Liela says she is looking to lose weight and tone her lower half. So we asked her to give Bailine a try.

Marianne Torhus, co-owner of the new Bailine studio in Center City, says pads are placed on clients in targeted areas

"Arms, your back, your abdominals, inner thighs, buttocks, knees," Torhus said.

Then over 30 minutes they deliver soft electronic pulses. Torhus says this stimulates the muscle to contract and relax.

Being the optomistist she is, Liela thinks it'll work.

Her before measurements are taken by both Bailine co-owner Lisbet Drivdahl and an independent fitness trainer, Hannah Purbe from the Sporting Club at the Bellevue.

Then Liela is hooked up for her first session.

"It feels weird, like different, but it doesn't hurt," Rushton said.

Torhus says women can expect to lose at least 7 inches in 10 sessions spread out over five weeks. But she cautions it is not a magic bullet. In addition to the treatments, Bailine clients follow a three-step program including nutrition.

"Making conscious choices, breaking bad habits," Torhus said.

And clients are also asked to exercise.

For the sake of our experiment, we asked Liela to stick to her usual healthy routine and complete 10 sessions.

We also asked Dr. Mary Monari-Sparks of Cooper University Hospital for her expert opinion.

She compares Bailine to callisthenic exercises.

"Sort of the same concept where you are just flexing and tensing muscles for short periods of time does help tone a muscle," Dr. Monari-Sparks said.

And after 10 sessions, both Hannah's and Lisbet's post measurements show she lost inches.

Hannah's show a total of 8 inches lost overall, Lisbet's show 9.75 inches lost.

On average, she lost a little over an inch off her waist, same from her hips, 1.25 inches off her bottom, and 1.5 inches from her thighs. Plus, she lost 6 pounds.

Still, despite the results, Hannah agrees with our expert doctor and the Bailine owners themselves that Bailine should include a healthy lifestyle.

Liela is happy with her results and says even one of her toughest critics, her daughter, noticed the change.

"She was like mom, you're getting skinny," Rushton said.

Liela also says she notices her clothes are fitting better.

Bailine costs $431 for 10 sessions.

It is only for women.


Online: Bailine Body Sculpting for Women

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