Contractor out of business while rebuilding San Bruno homes


Residents have received reports that a general contractor, Vanderbuilt Construction of Castro Valley, has gone out of business. A woman at their office told ABC7 news the owners are "extending their vacation." But unconfirmed reports indicate Vanderbuilt has had problems paying its subcontractors.

"I'm shocked, yes. I'm shocked that they're closed. There's plenty of work here up here and they were the lead guys out here and this is who the insurance companies were telling to accept as their contractors," said John Marshall from Marsetti Landscaping.

Vanderbuilt was the only general contractor on an official PG&E list. They've completed six of the 11 houses they've been working on.

In a statement, PG&E spokesperson Brittany Chord said, "We are deeply troubled by this development, and we will continue to do everything we can to help everyone affected by this terrible tragedy rebuild."

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