San Francisco ranks as 8th most 'honest' city


How do we know that? Well, on Tuesday, the makers of a beverage called Honest Tea conducted an honesty test.

They set up un-staffed booths in 12 cities selling their product on the honor system for $1 a bottle. And here's what they found: in Chicago, where it was 93 degrees, 99 percent paid their $1 for the tea. That's better than Boston, Seattle, Dallas, Atlanta and Philadelphia. San Francisco ranked eighth, with an honesty rate of 93 percent. That's less than Cincinnati, but more than Miami and Washington. Los Angeles and New York came in below 90 percent.

The 'Honest' List:

  1. Chicago: 99%
  2. Boston: 97%
  3. Seattle: 97%
  4. Dallas: 97%
  5. Atlanta: 96%
  6. Philadelphia: 96%
  7. Cincinnati: 95%
  8. San Francisco: 93%
  9. Miami: 92%
  10. Washington, DC: 91%
  11. Los Angeles: 88%
  12. New York: 86%

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