New device hides your cellphone, protects privacy


Cellular devices are constantly pinging back and forth to your mobile provider. That is why you get calls anywhere you're at, but that constant pining is also tracing your every move.

If you carry a mobile device and you give up a lot of privacy. Employers hand out phones, then track them. Social media often follows mobile units around too. So what if you don't want to be stalked?

"If you want to go instantly off the grid, you can go instantly off Google Maps, you can go completely off. So if you are in contact with let's say Four Square, Google Plus or Facebook and you have followers and you don't want them to know your location, [put it] in the pocket you are off," said Randy Zar from MIAMobi.

Zar is talking about a specific pocket. He created Mia Mobi to electronically hide your mobile device. 7 On Your Side tested it by using one cellphone to dial another and hiding it in the bag. After one more ring, it stops. The pouch's special lining keeps signals from going in or out. So is it a needed product? We ask a few guys who all carry work phones.

Raj Lall, from Orlando: It is great if I am trying to dodge work, but since my boss is right here, I would never do that.
Finney: So this looked like a horrible idea to you.
Brian MaGee, from Phoenix: This is a horrible idea. I would never use something like that. We need to trust our employees, we don't need to track them.

Candyse Jenkins from Oakland does like the idea. Not for herself, but for others.

Finney: It was originally designed for when you were going into a meeting, so you wouldn't be turning it off, you just drop it in and then you could pull it out and have it to go.
Jenkins: Or in church or elsewhere.
Finney: Does that seem like a good idea?
Jenkins: Yes, a very good idea. I know some people that I'd like to give these too.
Finney: Hand them out in church.
Jenkins: Yes.

And as an added bonus, it can discourage texting while driving.

"You get in your car, you put your phone or any mobile device in the silent pocket, the MIAMobi, and it is quiet," said Carrie Zar from MIAMobi.

The MIAMobi sells for between $68 for the small one and up to $150 for a large one that you can put an iPad in. All are made out of leather with a high quality silver lining, which actually blocks the signal.

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