Aquarium of the Bay hoping for baby sharks


Specialists from California Pacific Medical Center took their ultrasound equipment to Aquarium of the Bay at Pier 39 to perform a sonogram on the sevengill shark. "Debbie Kay" is the largest of these sharks at the aquarium.

The results of the sonogram were inconclusive.

"They can't identify definitively if she's pregnant at an early stage or just fertile, but they did see lots of developing eggs, so that's a good sign for us that she has matured sexually. She could become pregnant," said aquarium veterinarian Jill Spangenberg.

It's hard to tell if those are eggs because sevengill sharks have a two-year gestation, so the embryos develop slowly.

If Debbie Kay is pregnant, the aquarium could have a baby shark explosion. That's because these sharks can have up to 80 pups.

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