Professional BusinessWomen of California (PBWC)

Professional BusinessWomen of California (PBWC)
23rd Annual San Francisco Conference
Connect. Innovate. Inspire.

Mark your calendar for the largest gathering of professional businesswomen at the PBWC Conference. ABC7's own Cheryl Jennings will MC the Opening Session. Keynote speakers include Editor-in-Chief of Newsweek and The Daily Beast Tina Brown, IBM Senior Vice President Bridget Van Karlingen, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, author Gretchen Rubin, and Laura Liswood, Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders.

The nationally recognized annual conference is PBWC's main forum for women leaders to mentor and role model, foster upward mobility and gain an instant access to a large network of other professionals. It brings together thousands of women from all industry sectors across California for integrated leadership training, networking and examining ways to increase women's value to business.

PBWC's annual conference provides a unique platform for thousands of professional businesswomen across California to network with women in other industries and gain insights from the most inspiring business and motivational speakers to help women achieve success and leadership in the workplace.

PBWC is pleased to announce the 2012 Conference Schedule, featuring the most provocative and sought-after business speakers in the country, hosting rare small-group seminars and workshops. Included is the Young Women's Summit is a "conference within a conference." Held in conjunction with the largest women's business conference in Northern California, its unique programming, helps high school seniors and college-aged women expand their horizons and pursue the careers they desire by connecting them with successful, professional women eager to share what they know with the next generation of leaders!

The PBWC exists to promote career momentum and open access to a large network of leading business professionals in California and beyond. The mission of PBWC is to provide a forum in which businesswomen from all industries and of all levels can share their wisdom and experience, ignite new thinking, move confidently in the direction of their dreams, fulfill their potential and live remarkable lives.

Professional BusinessWomen of California (PBWC) was founded in 1989 by United States Congresswoman Jackie Speier. The spark for its creation was lit by the overwhelming response to a Women's Day for San Mateo County Women event led by Speier in 1988.

Tuesday, May 15th 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Moscone Center West, 800 Howard Street
(corner of Fourth & Howard), San Francisco
(415) 633-3210

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