Max Wade entered not guilty pleas, but not until after the defense suffered a defeat. His attorney had asked that some of the charges be separated from the others in an attempt to maybe get them filed in juvenile court. He argues that the theft of the Lamborghini should be separate from the attempted murder charges pointing out that they happened in different counties on different dates with different victims.
The defense attorney argues that the car was stolen from a showroom in San Francisco in an attempt to impress a young girl and that when she shunned Wade, prosecutors say he shot at the girl and her male companion in Mill Valley. So, the district attorney believes all the crimes are linked and should stay together in adult court.
The judge agreed. The defense attorney said he was disappointed, but said this will be a long case. Asked how his 17-year-old client doing he said, "Mr. Wade is a 17-year-old child. He's doing as any other 17-year-old child facing these offenses would be. He has the support of his parents. They love him. His family loves him. He has a younger half brother who loves him. Wade's parents were not in court Wednesday. Wade's attorney says they want to protect their privacy.
Asked how involved celebrity Chef Guy Fieri has been in the case, prosecutors said he is trying to get his car back. They say the defense has the right to keep it and examine it. With a smile, the district attorney said the defense does not have that right to drive it.
In summary, the judge decided it would be wise and economical to keep all the cases together in adult court. Wade remains in custody with bail set at $2 million.