Brown was at James Lick Middle School to make his pitch for Prop 30, which would involve temporary tax hikes. It would raise the sales tax a quarter cent for four years and income tax on families making over $250,000 a year for seven years. The money would primarily go for kindergarten through 12th grade education and community colleges. The governor said schools have suffered deep cuts and would suffer even more cuts if the proposition is not passed. He called the proposition reasonable and crucial.
"Over the last 30 years, those at the top have doubled their share of income. I'm just saying please, give back one or two or three percent over the next seven years and the kids of California will be much better for it and you''ll be better for it and our whole state will be able to go forward in a very solid way. So that is the pitch and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Proposition 30 wins," said Brown.
The no on Prop 30 campaign released this statement:
"Politicians want to raise sales taxes $1 billion per year so they can continue the wasteful spending exposed by pay raises, the Parks scandal, and bloated pensions they refuse to reform. The $50 billion tax hike will bring state spending to its highest level ever, including the bullet train that would pay for 4,000 teachers per year."