Company expands recall of black licorice candy

The Union City-based American Licorice Co., maker of the famous Red Vines candy, issued a recall on Aug. 22 of the licorice twist candy sold in one-pound packages with an expiration date of Feb. 4, 2013.

Testing found lead levels in the candy of up to 13.2 micrograms per serving, exceeding state safety standards, according to the California Department of Public Health.

That recall was expanded today to include a number of other black licorice candies produced by the same company, health officials said.

Candies covered by the expanded recall include the Black Licorice Bar, the Jumbo Black Licorice Hanging Bag, the Black Licorice Tray, Black Licorice Laydown Bags, the Black Licorice Jar, Mixed Bites Bags, Family Mix Laydown Bags, the Snaps Hanging Bag and Theater Box and the Snaps Tin.

Red Vines brand sugar-free licorice and red flavor licorice products are not subject to the recall.

Children under 6 years of age should not consume more than 6 micrograms of lead per day from all dietary sources, according to the Monterey County Health Department.

Pregnant women are also strongly advised to avoid lead exposure.

Pregnant women and parents of children who may have consumed this candy should see a doctor to determine if more testing is needed, health officials said.

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