Hero dog that lost snout in crash gets treatment at UC Davis

DAVIS, Calif.

DISCLAIMER: Some may consider video of the injured dog difficult to watch.

Kabang is on American soil looking for a miracle. Much of her face was sheared off about a year ago in the Philippines after she threw herself in front of a motorcycle that was about hit her owner's daughter and niece. The heroics to save the young girls have garnered her international fame.

"Wow, that just goes to show how much our pets love us unconditionally and will save us," dog owner Becky Huls said.

The world-renowned UC Davis Veterinary Hospital is looking to see what they can do for the hero dog, brought to California by Kabang's vet in the Philippines, Anton Lim.

While Kabang seems to be able to eat and do other normal things, a website raised the $20,000 needed for her flight and care.

"I followed some of their latest innovations, and we're very hopeful that Kabang will get the best and modern care that she needs," Lim said.

Dog owners come to UC Davis animal hospital from far and near to get help. One dog named Batman was outfitted with a wheelchair after getting hit with a car and another named Whiskey recently got a cutting-edge, but lifesaving, operation for a new jawbone.

People at UC Davis are rooting for Kabang.

"It's remarkable and it's amazing; she got the funding to do that, and we just hope we can do whatever we can to make her happy, healthy and be able to enjoy life like she deserves," Anjali Daryani said.

Vets believe Kabang will need at least two surgeries. One for dental work and the second would attempt to close the gaping wound on her face.

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