Search suspended for missing man in Annadel State Park

Between 250 and 300 professional searchers on foot, horses, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and with dog teams participated in the six-day search for 34-year-old Jason Kyles, who was last seen in the park on Saturday, police Lt. Brett Sackett said.

Search and rescue teams from Marin, Alameda, Sonoma and Contra Costa counties searched for Lyles until early Sunday morning. Kyles' family considered him at risk because he was likely distraught over marital issues, Sackett said.

The family also said he had stopped using medical marijuana, and in a note he stated he intended to visit family members in New York, according to Sackett.

Kyles abandoned his Ford pickup truck on private property on Lawndale Road Saturday morning after speaking with a woman who lived on the property, Sackett said.

He also was reportedly seen naked and chanting in the park east of Santa Rosa on Saturday.

The search extended to the nearby Oakmont retirement community Tuesday after a hand and footprint were found in that area of the park.

Sackett said unless there is another "actionable lead", such as a sighting of Kyles or his contact with his family, the search has been suspended.

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