A green Toyota Camry with shattered windows is the car in which Santa Rosa police say a woman was kidnapped at 10:37 p.m. Thursday. They say the still unidentified victim was taken from San Rafael.
It all began when police say the alleged kidnap victim managed to text a friend that she was kidnapped, and the description of the car she was in, and where she was headed.
The friend contacted San Rafael police, who then contacted Sonoma County sheriff's deputies. They chased the car from Santa Rosa into Guerneville.
On Highway 116, officers laid down spike strips to try and stop the car. The driver managed to avoid the strips and drove up Odd Fellows Park Road, which lead into a gated community.
Resident Tim Sager explains how sheriff's deputies ended the chase, "He went in the main gate, went through that, down into the park about a mile, there's a big baseball diamond in there, he tried to go around the diamond, they boxed him in," he said.
Sager says the driver managed to miss trees in the dark and fog, and almost made it out until he hit another gate.
"He was in the ditch, trying to out back on the road, crashed into another gate then he got stuck in the side in the mud, and that's where they took him out," Sager said.
Santa Rosa police say that a Sonoma County sheriff's deputy shot the kidnapping suspect after he got out of the car.
People who live in the area were turned away during the investigation into the officer-involved shooting.
Why the suspect drove up this closed road, stumped resident Gary Rudometkin, "I'm surprised this person drove in here, knowing there are signs out there saying the roads are closed, it's a dead end," he said.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions in this case. We don't know why the suspect was shot and we don't know whether the victim knew her kidnapper. Officials have also not told us the identities of the two individuals, nor their ages.
Since the shooting involved a Sonoma County deputy, it has to be investigated by an outside agency. In this case, it will be investigated by the Santa Rosa Police Department.