Pressure? What pressure? The Belmont Redwood Shores All Stars are about to shine in the national spotlight, but they're still just kids. The team is made up of twelve 12-year-old boys and one 11-year-old. They've grown up playing together dreaming of one day making it to the Little League World Series.
"We're great friends. I mean we can talk basically about anything. We can just go on about a conversation for hours, have fun together," pitcher and shortstop Sean Lee told ABC7 News.
In their last game, the Belmont Redwood Shores All Stars beat Santa Cruz to win the Northern California championship to advance to the Western Regional. Organizers say no other Peninsula team has ever gone this far in the Little League World Series.
"We said from the beginning we were out to make history and they cooperated, and they did a great job," said manager Rudy Lopez.
There were big cheers as the crowd sent the boys on their way. Their bus had a police escort to 101 with their final destination -- the city of San Bernadino. The team will face off against the best teams from Arizona, Utah, Hawaii, Nevada, and Southern California.
The boys are hopeful and confident. "We hope to compete in San Bernadino and I think we have a pretty good chance of winning," said catcher Dominic Susa.
And, the parents want them to swing for the fences. "We want to go to Williamsport!" said team mom Jennifer Douglis.
And, if they win the Western Regional, they will go to Williamsport. Their first game is this Friday.