Man found fatally shot near Hayward


Some residents near the shooting said they were sleeping and a couple of others were watching a movie, but most jumped into action when they heard the three shots fired just after midnight.

"My neighbor said 'call 911 - I think some guy is laying in the street out there,' and we went down there and my daughter took a blanket," said Alameda County resident James Dent.

Dent watched the man take his last breaths as he was lying on Robscott Avenue. Police say the victim does not live on the street.

"We don't know why he was here, he does not live in this very close vicinity, but he is a resident of Alameda County, so he's not a complete outsider," said Alameda County Sheriff's Office Sgt. J.D. Nelson.

Residents say they have seen him in the neighborhood, but they don't know him.

"I've seen him pass my house to go to the house on the corner," said Dent.

A woman who witnessed the shooting said two people were sitting in a car waiting for the victim.

The shooting came as a surprise to many who live in the neighborhood.

"We always say it's a good neighborhood. It's sad, but I don't think anyone is immune -- that's the problem these days," said Alameda County resident Mark Kientzler.

As police conducted their investigation, no one was allowed in and out of the crime tape -- which caused problems for parents needing to take their kids somewhere, or parents trying to get in to the daycare center on the block.

"I'm sure they're going to be asking a lot of questions about why our street is blocked off and it doesn't look good," said daycare owner Carrie Lamar.

Police have not made any arrests and they do not know the motive behind the killing. Authorities are also working to identify the victim.

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