Team Skype is a part of the Junior Achievement Social Innovation Camp held on the Microsoft campus in Mountain View.
The 30, or so, students chosen must come up with a creative and innovative solution to a local, national or global social concern. After much debate, Team Skype had a plan.
"Well, we were kind of brain-storming a bike that you would pedal to create an energy source. And, it would be useful for high school students. Say, if you were pedaling your bike to school and charging your iPhone at the same time," student Pratima Manga.
"So this would fix carbon emissions and traffic. And also, environmentally friendly and everyone loves to ride a bike," student Joe Fisher.
Each group gets a Microsoft mentor to help them formulate a plan for marketing, financing and implementation.
Past winning ideas included a retractable hypodermic needle that helps prevent the spread of disease and a vegetable vending machine.
The students see this as an incredible opportunity and use it as motivation for their futures after high school.
"It's kind of like a dream come true man, because, like you hear about it, and like the big corporations and everything. You're like, 'Wow, what if I could go there, what if I could work there,'" said student Louis Adams.
On Tuesday, students will present their projects to some Microsoft employees. The top two groups will get some prizes, including a Microsoft Xbox.