Elderly immigrants most common victims of pedestrian accidents


Six-year old Sofia Liu died when she was hit by a car New Year's Eve. Huan Kuang was also struck along with her son when they were on the crosswalk near Polk and Ellis streets.

Mayor Ed Lee says more needs to be done to reduce the accidents.

"I've got no less than three proposals on my desk right now that I'm reviewing this afternoon with the police chief and fire chief," Lee said. "Culturally competent campaigns that we can do right now."

In 2012, 16 people died. Last year, there were 21 fatals; one-third of those deaths happened last month.

Police Commander Mikail Ali says most of those victims were asian immigrants. Many were elderly. Ali says the victims from asia may have been confused by our traffic system.

"I'm told that traffic patterns there, they flow differently than the grid type patterns that we have here to that people may be accustomed to a different type of traffic pattern," Ali said.

Both the mayor and Ali say there needs to be more bilingual campaigns to educate immigrants to the American traffic system.

District Attorney George Gascon says not only drivers, but pedestrians also, need to be more cautious.

"When you come across a vehicle that weighs 2,000 pounds, possibly four to 5,000 pounds, you're never going to be on the right end of the outcome here," Gascon said.

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