Riley Kovalcik from Roxbury, New Jersey, wrote a note to Seattle Seahawks running back Derrick Coleman after seeing a moving TV ad about his journey to become the first legally deaf offensive player in the NFL. The ad details how he rose above being bullied to achieve his dream.
Riley, who as an identical twin sister who's also hearing impaired, wrote, "Dear my insperation [sic], Derrick Coleman. I know how you feel. I also have hearing aids. Just try your best. I have faif [sic] in you Derrick good job on January 20th game. Go Seattle Seahawks!"
It goes on to say, "Here are things we have in common. I where [sic] two hearing aids. I love sports. Other things are I'm a identical twin and my twin where's [sic] one hearing aid too!"
Riley's dad took a picture of the note and tweeted it out. Before he knew it, the Seahawks retweeted it and it's gone viral from there.
Coleman even wrote the Riley back.