Given every Crayola color, Devin Montoya's favorite is blue. On Thursday he uses that crayon to color the sky, draw the wind, and create a spring time sunny day. However, there's a cloud in the picture -- his family is new to Travis Air Force Base.
When asked if it was tough for him to make friends, Devin responded, "Kind of."
Devin will turn six in a few days, so his mom asked what he wanted.
"I said, 'Devin, have you thought about it?' And he said, 'Yes ma'am. I want 100 birthday cards." I said, 'Oh, 100? I don't know how I'm going to get that done.' And I said, 'Well, can I get you 100?' And he said, 'No, let's get them from different people,'" said Jessica Robinson, Devin's mom.
The reason will make your heart melt. Devin said he wants the cards so he can get 100 new friends.
He wants someone to swing with, someone who can do monkey bars, and maybe someone who likes to color.
"Devin was just born to still love people," said Robinson.
Someone dropped off one birthday card in their mailbox earlier on Thursday. Robinson's hoping to get at least 99 more by Devin's birthday party on April 13th. Devin's birthday is on April 6 but he'll be celebrating with his family on April 13.
The message doesn't have to be much. Devin said, "Well, they can say 'Happy Birthday to Devin.'"
It's the smile of a lonely little boy opening a stack of cards that would be so powerful.
You can help grant Devin's birthday wish by sending a card to:
Devin Montoya
441 Diablo Drive
Travis AFB 94535