Details of Daly City shooting unfold


Police found a shotgun and ammunition in Raymond Iwase's house when they arrested him, but not the gun police say he used. Police are still looking for that revolver. The judge refused to give him bail and he also put over the hearing until the county can get him a lawyer.

Iwase is a former postal worker who is charged with premeditated attempted murder and assault with a firearm. District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe says there are some interesting aspects to this case.

"One of them is we're dealing with an 84-year-old man who has not had prior contact with criminal justice here in San Mateo County," said Wagstaffe.

After Iwase was arrested at his home Wednesday, Wagstaffe says, "He told the investigators I'm an old man. There's nothing for you to worry about."

The shooting Wednesday afternoon resulted in the evacuation the Serramonte Medical Center. SWAT team members rushed to the building.

Police say earlier, Iwase walked into the center, looking for Dr. Kevin Wong, seen here being escorted out of the building by a detective. Wong had treated Iwase several years ago for a condition similar to shingles -- a virus that causes painful skin rashes. But the treatment was apparently unsuccessful.

Police sources told ABC7 News that seems to be why Iwase went gunning for Wong. Wagstaffe says he actually waited in the lounge, until he saw his intended target.

"Told the doctor, made the statement to the doctor that he, the doctor, had given him a shot a couple of years ago and had hurt him by this, caused him pain by this. There was anger and it was at that point that the gun came out," said Wagstaffe.

Wagstaffe says Wong ran down the hallway when he saw the silver revolver. Iwase, he says fired one shot that narrowly missed him.

"The timing of the shot was just as he moved. The shot was in the direction the doctor was running. It wasn't like it was a warning shot in the ceiling. This was a shot fired at the doctor," said Wagstaffe.

Police say Iwase escaped the dragnet. He was arrested at his home that night. Police found a shotgun and ammunition, but no gun.

"It's a sign of somebody who knew he did something wrong because he didn't keep the gun," said Wagstaffe.

If Iwase is convicted of the attempted murder charge, he could get life. Conviction of the firearms charge could be up to 15 years in prison.

Either way, for an 84-year-old man, it may be a life sentence.

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