They self-quarantined at work to make gear for health care workers

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
These men and women self-quarantined at work to help health care workers
Imagine spending 28 straight days eating and sleeping at work. These noble workers did it to help those battling COVID-19.

At Braskem America in Marcus Hook, workers slept, ate, and worked at their plant for 28 days in order to meet the equipment demands for health care workers.

In April, they operated around the clock on 12-hour shifts.

The group met with managers trying to figure out how they could do something to help in America's battle against COVID-19. The group split among two shifts to make polypropylene, a non-woven fabric used to make N95 masks, hospital gowns, hoods, and sanitary wipes all critical in the coronavirus battle.

The company gave the staffers increased wages and provided beds, kitchens, groceries, internet access, and iPads during the stay.