SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has decided not to open the commercial Dungeness crab season, until the health advisory for "Dungeness crabs can be lifted for the entire California coast or it can be lifted south of the Mendocino/Sonoma county line, whichever comes first."
"Like many decisions I have had to make regarding this closure, I do not make it lightly and only after extensive input and thought," said CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham. "I understand that there are people suffering economic losses from this closure. However, the majority of the commercial fleet tells me they want a statewide opener or could live with an opener that adheres to traditional management areas, which would provide the utmost protection against someone falling ill from domoic acid poisoning."
In a press release, the CDFW wants to remind people areas currently open to crab fishing include:
Areas currently closed to crab fishing include:
Click here to see a summary of domoic acid levels in crabs.