NB Hwy 101 reopens in Redwood City after early completion of bridge replacement, Caltrans says

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REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (KGO) -- Northbound U.S. 101 has reopened in Redwood City between Whipple Avenue and Holly Street Sunday after Caltrans successfully completed a replacement on the Cordilleras Creek Bridge.

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Caltrans says it replaced the bridge, which was at the end of its service life. The project was completed 14 hours ahead of schedule.

The agency says the speediness of construction was partially thanks to the public for using the recommended detours and also utilizing public transit during the closure. This reduced the amount of traffic on the road, minimizing delays.

Caltrans implemented an Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) process and "cut and cover" method. This approach allows Caltrans to construct the bridge in one summer season instead of the usual three years, reducing the effects on traffic, increasing the safety of travelers and construction workers, and minimizing environmental impacts.

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