What to know about eastbound I-80 closure between Hwy 4 and Cummings Skyway

Bay City News
Saturday, July 22, 2023
EB I-80 to close between Hwy 4 and Cummings Skyway
Here's what to know about the upcoming closures of I-80 between Highway 4 in Hercules and Cummings Skyway in Crockett.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Eastbound Interstate Highway 80 will be fully closed for construction this weekend starting Friday night.

The closure will start after 9 p.m. between state Highway 4 in Hercules and Cummings Skyway in Crockett and will conclude no later than 5 a.m. Monday.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player above is not related to the current story. The ABC7 Bay Area 24/7 streaming channel allows you to see news throughout the day.

This is part of a series of closures on I-80 in Contra Costa County announced by Caltrans on four different weekends to do repaving work.

Upcoming weekends for closure on eastbound I-80 include Aug. 4 and Aug. 18. The closures will take place after 9 p.m. on Fridays and before 5 a.m. on the following Mondays.

Caltrans recommends drivers traveling east to exit onto eastbound Highway 4 in Hercules to northbound Interstate Highway 680, then re-enter I-80 in Fairfield. Travelers to Benicia and Vallejo can use westbound Interstate Highway 780.

Cummings Skyway between Highway 4 and I-80 will remain open for drivers going to Crockett.

Additionally, Caltrans will close westbound I-80 on Labor Day weekend, starting after 9 p.m. Aug. 31 and reopening before 5 a.m. Sept. 5.

I-80 will be closed between I-780 in Vallejo and Highway 4 in Hercules.

For the detour, drivers can exit onto eastbound I-780 in Vallejo to southbound I-680 and use it to go to westbound Highway 4, state Highway 24 or use Interstate Highway 580 to reach central and south Bay Area destinations.

According to Caltrans, the roadway has worn out and is in need of major repairs due to decades of high-traffic use. The closures will make the project nine months shorter and ensure safer and smoother rides for the public.

Due to the weekend and holiday closures, there will be fewer overnight lane closures and the work this summer will finish earlier instead of completing in late 2024, Caltrans said.

For real-time highway information, people can use Caltrans QuickMap.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The video in the player above is not related to the current story. The ABC7 Bay Area 24/7 streaming channel allows you to see news throughout the day.

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