3 underage suspects arrested in Union City cannabis dispensary break-in

Bay City News
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
3 arrested in Union City cannabis dispensary break-in
Three underage suspects from Oakland were arrested in connection with a Union City cannabis dispensary break-in early Tuesday morning.

UNION CITY, Calif. -- Three underage suspects from Oakland were arrested in connection with a Union City cannabis dispensary break-in early Tuesday morning.

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At a little after 3 a.m., Union City police officers were sent to the Lemonnade Dispensary in response to a commercial burglary alarm and were told that five to eight people had attempted to break into the business.

All of the suspects were gone by the time police arrived, but just a few minutes later officers were sent to the Flor Dispensary a little over a mile away to investigate a similar report.

Officers saw several people inside the second store and were able to arrest three juvenile suspects on suspicion of commercial burglary, according to Union City police.

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